We can help you to make better sense
of what’s happening in your life
Course Information
General information on booking courses at The Counselling & Family Centre, using the online system.
How do I pay?
On checkout, Wix securely process your course payments which can be made with a debit or credit card. Please follow their on screen instructions.
Do I have to create a login on the CFC website?
No, you don't have to but those with an account can keep track of their courses via this web site. If you create a CFC account or login to your existing account before paying, your account will show past orders and will record your current order.
Can I book multiple places on a course?
Yes, subject to availability you can pay for more than one place on a course by increasing the quantity in your shopping cart. You cannot buy more places than are remaining on the course. If a course is selling out, please let us know and we may be able to organise a larger venue or put you on a reserve list or even organise an additional course.
What will I see on my credit card statement
Course payments may show as being made to The Counselling and FA, London
What happens after I pay?
You will receive an email receipt from The Counselling & Family Centre acknowledging your order and providing a link to the course information which is freely available from the training area of CFC web site at any time though the link in the email is only valid for 30 days.
Then you just need to attend the course at the publicised location, date and time. If there are any changes you will be contacted via email.
Can I get a discount?
Yes, some courses are available with an early bird discount for those that book a certain amount of time in advance. People in receipt of some means-tested benefits may be eligible for a discount on some public courses and support groups. See the individual course details and means-tested benefits for full details.
Can I just pay a deposit?
Unfortunately we require full payment to reserve your place on a course. You can save money by taking advantage of our early bird discounts.
What about promo codes?
We only accept these towards payments from eligible CFC team members and (for some courses) those on means-tested benefits. Please note if you use a promo code for a course when you are not eligible, you will be asked to pay the balance before attending the course. Promo codes are not transferrable.
What happens if I cannot come to a course I have paid for?
Please click for our cancellation policy.
What happens if CFC cancel a course I have paid for?
We endeavour to fulfil all course bookings. In the unlikely event of a course being cancelled by us or a trainer, we will follow the procedure set out in our cancellation policy.
My Digital Product Download has expired
All information about the courses is also shown on the web site up until the date of the course.
Further questions?
Please contact us.