Are you concerned about a loved one’s misuse of substances or change in behaviour?
We offer a weekly support group for anyone affected by a loved one’s addiction.
When and where?
Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8.00pm, video call hosted by Jim at the CFC Altrincham. No commitment and totally free.
The group is there to support you navigate through your loved one or someone of concern's addiction, this may be substance related or behavioural.
We offer you the opportunity to:
Receive emotional support
Learn coping strategies
Educate yourself on addiction
Gain hope
There is plenty of discussion and support around addiction, conflict, boundaries and much more and the session is completely confidential.
There is no obligation to contribute, you can simply show up and listen. Sharing your concerns, sharing your worries and listening to others in a similar situation can really help you process what is going on in your life.
Contact jim.sales@thecfc.org.uk to join or for more information.