Flexible counselling to accommodate
complex family relationships
Counselling for Families
Supporting and strengthening families ties
Family counselling
Families can be a source of support, love, encouragement and joy. Sometimes however families are put under strain and family members can start to feel isolated, overlooked, upset and angry. Family counselling can also be useful for adult siblings and when there are splits and conflicts in any adult family relationships. You may be having difficulties with your grown up daughter or son. There may be problems with in-law relationships. Wherever help is needed the only criteria is that you are related to each other.
Family Counselling is very flexible, it has to be as every situation and every family is unique. Your Counsellor will work with you to plan future appointments or to guide you towards one of our other services if that seems more appropriate. Please note, when help is needed to resolve issues that are clearly couple problems and between adult sexual partners, married or unmarried, we will suggest a course of Couple Counselling with one of our specifically trained Couple Counsellors.
Family counselling deals with all stages of family life cycles:
Families with young children, arrival of a new baby
Families with adolescents
Forming couples/ divorce or separations
Stepfamilies/ new relationships
Children leaving home or moving in
Ageing parents, and changing roles and responsibilities
Bereavement and dealing with loss