Mindfulness practice
Practice mindfulness and feel the benefits of a peaceful mind in the busy world in which we find ourselves today.
Mindfulness is available face to face in the CFC community café lounge on the first Monday of every month.
For those of you who prefer to join remotely, you will also be able to join the group over Zoom on any Monday.
Monday evenings:
The first Monday of every month will be face to face in the CFC Community Cafe Lounge, as well as over Zoom every week 7pm until 8:15pm. If you are interested in attending, please email our mindfulness facilitator andrewr@thecfc.org.uk. Andrew will then send you further details of how to join.
Understand the process and the principles of mindfulness through a short interactive informal introduction, followed by a 15 minute guided mindfulness meditation and a question and answer discussion.
This is not a class; this is not a course (you are not required to learn anything).
This is a safe, calm and relaxing environment where like-minded people are able to enjoy the practice of mindfulness through experienced guidance.
If you have any experience of mindfulness and feel that you might like to share in guiding the group please talk to Andrew before or after the session.
Please try to join before the start time of 7pm, however latecomers are always welcome.
Please check the CFC website homepage each week for any last minute changes.